Friday, May 30, 2008

I'm back for the moment!

For you that are not aware of it I have been ill and been pretty much bedridden for the last three weeks.Ive been holding at the 14 lbs weight loss for two days so maybe I'm slowing down. I just downed a whole poweraid and got the motivation to get downstairs to blog. I did end up reading all three of the "twilight" books twice and my dear husband has been reading the first book out loud to me at night to help distract the pain I've been in , so I can fall asleep. I also read her new book " the host" witch was dumb. Then my sister lent me a book called "swan song" but I'm 500 pages in and its giving me nightmares! So today I'm going to give the "outlander" series a go. But with my head stuck in the sand I've only been slightly aware of the word out side of my home. I had four days of newspaper not even read in a row! Not even the Colbert Report to watch because we cut half our cable off. So as I sit in the dark of the world and live in others .....Man I quit like it in here!


Sarah said...

I'm sorry you still are feeling so terriable. I'm glad you got the motivation to blog I was missing reading your rants. So I'm have a hundred pages left in twilight. It's pretty good. I would have to admit that I'm hooked. My poor kids are being so neglected but what I need some kind of vacation right?

RW said...

don't shart!

Ben said...

sorry you are so sick. feel better.